February 2008 Archives by date
Starting: Fri Feb 1 08:28:25 EST 2008
Ending: Fri Feb 29 18:27:19 EST 2008
Messages: 372
- Mask outside map
Ranyére Nóbrega
- unfilled polygon
Franklyn Ruiz
- installation problem for psichig udf
John Guhin
- installation problem for psichig udf
John Guhin
- building psichig.exe using pgf90 or g77 FORTRAN compiler
Michael Fiorino
- installation problem for psichig udf
Eric Altshuler
- 2.0 : WRF netcdf / CTL
Patrick Reuter
- 2.0 : WRF netcdf / CTL
Matt Alonso
- 2.0 : WRF netcdf / CTL
Matt Alonso
- 2.0 : WRF netcdf / CTL
Patrick Reuter
- 2.0 : WRF netcdf / CTL
Jennifer Adams
- 2.0 : WRF netcdf / CTL
Patrick Reuter
- Fwd: building psichig.exe using pgf90 or g77 FORTRAN compiler
Arlindo da Silva
- Problem in writing .ctl file for global GRIB file
- Wind barbs in m/s
Javier G. Corripio
- options sequential && doc
Dot Deb
- Problem in writing .ctl file for global GRIB file
- fish()
Arlindo da Silva
- grads-2.0.a0 compiling error
- grads-2.0.a0 compiling error
Jennifer Adams
- grads-2.0.a0 compiling error
- grads-2.0.a0 compiling error
Jennifer Adams
- grib files to ctl files
Daniel Fritz
- 2.0 : WRF netcdf / CTL - irregular grids
brian vant-hull
- Unable to run v1.9 on Vista
Philbrick, Herb
- grib files to ctl files
brian vant-hull
- V1.8.11 does not open flat file on Vista PC
Philbrick, Herb
- Unable to run v1.9 on Vista
Eric Altshuler
- grib files to ctl files
Eric Altshuler
- grib files to ctl files
Greg West
- grib files to ctl files
Jennifer Adams
- Unable to run v1.9 on Vista
Arlindo da Silva
- options sequential && doc
Eric Altshuler
- monsoondata
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- Problem in writing .ctl file for global GRIB file
- BUFR in Grads
Mark Northcroft
- Problem in writing .ctl file for global GRIB file
- monsoondata
Jennifer Adams
- Cross Section
Cristian Sandoval
- Cross Section
Heiner Körnich
- monsoondata
Arlindo da Silva
- monsoondata
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- monsoondata
Jennifer Adams
- Problem in writing .ctl file for global GRIB file
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- options sequential && doc
Dot Deb
- Grads-2.0 stability
Oliver König
- Win32 Binaries in v1.9.0-rc1
Stephen R McMillan
- Win32 Binaries in v1.9.0-rc1
Mark Sponsler
- Win32 Binaries in v1.9.0-rc1
Stephen R McMillan
- How to extract time
Baolin Zhang
- monsoondata
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- monsoondata
Jennifer Adams
- monsoondata
- new names for GFS variables as of 00z05feb2008 on COLA GDS
Jennifer Adams
- new names for GFS variables as of 00z05feb2008 on COLA GDS
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- Connect points in scatter plot
Luca Villa
- V1.8.11 does not open flat file on Vista PC
Philbrick, Herb
- Signoff Won't
Holland, George (MLCI Consultant)
- Processing weather data
Stefan Gofferje
- Win32 Binaries in v1.9.0-rc1
Eric Altshuler
- cdiff question
John Guhin
- Win32 Binaries in v1.9.0-rc1
Stephen R McMillan
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Oliver König
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Jennifer Adams
- Perl interface to GrADS uploaded to sf.net
Arlindo da Silva
- segmentation fault using multiple netcf files and xdfopen
Adam Sobel
- how to change the working directory in grads
Aftab Khan
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Oliver König
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Jennifer Adams
- segmentation fault using multiple netcf files and xdfopen
Arlindo da Silva
- segmentation fault using multiple netcf files and xdfopen
Ricardo Hallak
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Oliver König
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Oliver König
- GRADS 2.0 binaries for x86 32?
Stefan Gofferje
- Perl interface to GrADS uploaded to sf.net
Ranyére Nóbrega
- Output txt specific format
Ranyére Nóbrega
- cdiff question
Eric Altshuler
- Compiling grads2.0a - how to configure and how to compile?
Stefan Gofferje
- segmentation fault using multiple netcf files and xdfopen
Chi Nguyen
- segmentation fault using multiple netcf files and xdfopen
Adam Sobel
- V1.8.11 does not open flat file on Vista PC
Arlindo da Silva
- V1.8.11 does not open flat file on Vista PC
Arlindo da Silva
- converting binary file fw to control file ctl
Daniel Fritz
- converting binary file fw to control file ctl
Eric Altshuler
- converting binary file fw to control file ctl
Daniel Fritz
- converting binary file fw to control file ctl
Stephen R McMillan
- GradsDODS
Steven Weiss
Steven Weiss
- Output txt specific format
- Compiling grads2.0a - how to configure and how to compile?
Paul Earnshaw
- Compiling g2clib-1.0.5 (for grads-2.0) error
Oliver König
- Connect points in scatter plot
Luca Villa
- Compiling wgrib2 for grads-2.0
Oliver König
- Compiling udunits (for grads-2.0) error
Oliver König
- Compiling g2clib-1.0.5 (for grads-2.0) error
Arlindo da Silva
- Grads Dods
Steven Weiss
- GradsDODS
Arlindo da Silva
- GradsDODS
Steven Weiss
- NOAA grib2 documentation?
Stefan Gofferje
- GradsDODS
Arlindo da Silva
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Stefan Gofferje
- SKEW T from model data
Stefan Gofferje
- how to change the working directory in grads
Mike Bosilovich
- Hey Stephen: I don't know if you got this email
Daniel Fritz
- Fw and Ctl procedures (part-1) part two next email
Daniel Fritz
- fw file to ctl file Sorry everyone
Daniel Fritz
- Installation of EOFGRADS on windows xp for calculation of EOF and PC
Manish Singh
- Resolution
Eric Wolvovsky
- Terrain-following coordinates
Oliver Fuhrer
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Help.....Cross section
Cristian Sandoval
- unsubscribe
Simone Marras
- Help.....Cross section
Jennifer Adams
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Stefan Gofferje
- Grads v2 for FreeBSD
Ing. Valerio Guerra
Efren Serra
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Stefan Gofferje
- Grads V2 Win32
Marck Oduber
- Installation of EOFGRADS on windows xp for calculation of EOF and PC
Arlindo da Silva
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Grads V2 Win32
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Grads V2 Win32
Arlindo da Silva
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Stefan Gofferje
Lisa Murphy
Michael Fiorino
- GrADS 2.0a - No or very little labels in NPS projection
Stefan Gofferje
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Oliver König
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Stefan Gofferje
- scorr / tcorr
Teddy Allen
- NOAA / NCEP GRIB2 files: Syntax Error: Invalid Date/Time value. Hour = 24 -- greater than 23
Oliver König
Oliver König
Arlindo da Silva
- Error during making a CTL file for .nc files (mom3 output)
Manish Singh
- Error during making a CTL file for .nc files (mom3 output)
Sergey Varlamov
- Error during making a CTL file for .nc files (mom3 output)
manish singh
- Output txt specific format
Ranyére Nóbrega
- Output txt specific format
- GrADS on Vista
Jonathan Smith
- Grads V2 Win32
Marck Oduber
Lisa Murphy
- Error during making a CTL file for .nc files (mom3 output)
Arlindo da Silva
Michael Fiorino
- YaSuG - Yet another site using GrADS
Stefan Gofferje
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Oliver König
- GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 for FreeBSD available
Arlindo da Silva
- fitting the scatter plot
John Guhin
Eric Altshuler
- traj.gs modified for 3d
Ted Pollock
- traj.gs modified for 3d
- traj.gs modified for 3d
Ted Pollock
- GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 for FreeBSD available
Ing. Valerio Guerra
- grads2 status report (problem displaying grib2 data in grads2 on x86_64)
Oliver König
- GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 for FreeBSD available
Paolo Ciraci
- grads2 status report (problem displaying grib2 data in grads2 on x86_64)
Stefan Gofferje
- grads2 status report (problem displaying grib2 data in grads2 on x86_64)
Oliver König
- Compile grads-src-2.0.a0 on x86_64 error
Oliver König
- skewt.gs corrections
Charles Seman
- Compile grads2 without netcdf
Oliver König
- Compile grads2 without netcdf
Arlindo da Silva
- grads2 status report (problem displaying grib2 data in grads2 on x86_64)
Oliver König
- Grads 2.0 with grib2 files
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- grads2 status report (problem displaying grib2 data in grads2 on x86_64)
Stefan Gofferje
- Compile grads2 without netcdf
Stefan Gofferje
- Compile grads2 without netcdf
Arlindo da Silva
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Jennifer Adams
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Oliver König
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Oliver König
- GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 for FreeBSD available
Arlindo da Silva
- traj.gs modified for 3d
James T. Potemra
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Oliver König
- Compile grads2 without netcdf
James T. Potemra
- Documentation for map types?
Stefan Gofferje
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- segmentation fault (IP vs DNS)
Derko Drukker
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- GrADS 2.0.a1
Oliver König
- Output txt specific format
Ranyére Nóbrega
- Questions about gr2stn
Stefan Gofferje
- segmentation fault (IP vs DNS)
Ferd Sauter
- segmentation fault (IP vs DNS)
Arlindo da Silva
- Off-topic - broken link Nomad 3?
Ranyére Nóbrega
- compound variables
Katia Fernandes
- Off-topic - broken link Nomad 3?
Ricardo Marcelo
- Output txt specific format
- Off-topic - broken link Nomad 3?
- Off-topic - broken link Nomad 3?
- Off-topic - broken link Nomad 3?
Eric Altshuler
- Output txt specific format
Arlindo da Silva
- Off-topic - broken link Nomad 3?
- thinned gaussian grib1
Jennifer Adams
- thinned gaussian grib1
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- problem with year in netcdf file on x86_64
Etienne Tourigny
- problem with year in netcdf file on x86_64
Arlindo da Silva
- problem with year in netcdf file on x86_64
IBANEZ François
- GrADS to GRIB format
Leopoldo Alvarez
- Resolution coastline
Leopoldo Alvarez
- GrADS to GRIB format
Arlindo da Silva
- Win32 Binaries in v1.9.0-rc1
See Hai Ooi
- EXTREME slowdown
Stefan Gofferje
- EXTREME slowdown
Arlindo da Silva
- EXTREME slowdown
Stefan Gofferje
- EXTREME slowdown
Brian Doty
- Displaying TOMS data
baby liz
- Could anyone provide a GrADS 2.0 package for i686-linux static?
Stefan Gofferje
- EXTREME slowdown
Stefan Gofferje
- DODS in GrADS 2?
Stefan Gofferje
- DODS in GrADS 2?
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- Special letters in GrADS fonts?
Stefan Gofferje
- Displaying TOMS data
Arlindo da Silva
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Ryo Furue
- segmentation fault (IP vs DNS)
Derko Drukker
- Special letters in GrADS fonts?
Brian Doty
- segmentation fault (IP vs DNS)
Arlindo da Silva
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Arlindo da Silva
- Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart
Juan Matias Mendez Perez
- Buffer stack limit exceeded in gxshad
Michiko Masutani
- Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart
Stefan Gofferje
- set gxout grid - skipping or combining fields?
Stefan Gofferje
- Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart
Stephen R McMillan
- Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart
Stefan Gofferje
- Template NETCDF
Guilherme Martins
- Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart
Stephen R McMillan
- set gxout grid - skipping or combining fields?
Arlindo da Silva
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Ryo Furue
- Reading Binary codes
baby liz
- Template NETCDF
Ricardo Hallak
- Displaying TOMS data
baby liz
- nomad 1 file download
martynas kazlauskas
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD
Valerio Guerra
- What is wrong in ctl fle?
Simon Krichak
- Warning: User Defined Functions have been disabled in this version of GrADS
Stefan Gofferje
- Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart
Patrick Reuter
- What is wrong in ctl fle?
- What is wrong in ctl fle?
Douglas Clark
- What is wrong in ctl fle?
- What is wrong in ctl fle?
Simon Krichak
- Template NETCDF
Jennifer Adams
- Warning: User Defined Functions have been disabled in this version of GrADS
Arlindo da Silva
- nomad 1 file download
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Arlindo da Silva
- Reading Binary codes
Arlindo da Silva
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD
Paolo Ciraci
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD
Paolo Ciraci
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD
Paolo Ciraci
- Warning: User Defined Functions have been disabled in this version of GrADS
Stefan Gofferje
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD
Valerio Rossi Guerra
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD available
Arlindo da Silva
- Warning: User Defined Functions have been disabled in this version of GrADS
Jennifer Adams
- wgrib2 sources for building with supplibs-2.0.1
Arlindo da Silva
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD available
Paolo Ciraci
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD available
Valerio Guerra
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD available
Arlindo da Silva
- Fast Downloading of GRIB Files with get_gfs.pl
Valerio Guerra
- Wgrib2 for FreeBSD available
Paolo Ciraci
- set gxout grid - skipping or combining fields?
Jennifer Adams
- set gxout grid - skipping or combining fields?
Arlindo da Silva
- Buffer stack limit exceeded in gxshad
Jennifer Adams
- [Fwd: Fast Downloading of GRIB Files with get_gfs.pl]
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Fast Downloading of GRIB Files with get_gfs.pl
Valerio Guerra
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Jennifer Adams
- Could anyone provide a GrADS 2.0 package for i686-linux static?
Jennifer Adams
- pdef and interpolation question
Goodson,Ron [Edm]
- Grads and Q2
Assaf Wodeslavsky
- pdef and interpolation question
Jennifer Adams
- correlation with unequal grids
Teddy Allen
- Reading Binary codes
Christopher Lynnes
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Ryo Furue
- question about ctl file using wgrib2
amelia graziano
- magnetic equator
Shauna Weaver
- question about ctl file using wgrib2
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- question about ctl file using wgrib2
Jennifer Adams
- setting "clevs" in a script....
Shauna Weaver
- funcitons undefined
Aida Biberic
- funcitons undefined
Eric Altshuler
- set gxout grid - skipping or combining fields?
Brian Doty
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
- gradsdods segmentation fault
wido hanggoro
- gradsdods segmentation fault
Arlindo da Silva
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Jennifer Adams
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Ryo Furue
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Jennifer Adams
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Arlindo da Silva
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Ryo Furue
- Buffer stack limit exceeded in gxshad
Diane Stokes
- sorry sorry sorry to all GRADS Users
sibachir nordine
- interpolate lterp using GrADS 2.0 and Wgrib2
amelia graziano
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Steven Weiss
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Steven Weiss
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Stefan Gofferje
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Patrice Dumas
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Stefan Gofferje
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Patrice Dumas
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Stefan Gofferje
- Puzzled by the streamfunction output
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Steven Weiss
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Steven Weiss
- Transforming NexRad file (in NetCdf format) into a 400x400 km grid with 2x2 km sized pixels
Assaf Wodeslavsky
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Steven Weiss
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- How to read TOMS binary data?
baby liz
- Puzzled by the streamfunction output
See Hai Ooi
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Steven Weiss
- Help, CFS data and grib2ctl
Elizabeth Castañeda
- segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound
Ryo Furue
- Updated Win32 GrADS v1.9.0-rc1 build
Arlindo da Silva
- Wgrib2 in Mac
Javier G. Corripio
- Wgrib2 in Mac
Jennifer Adams
- Wgrib2 in Mac
Jennifer Adams
- Streamfunction/velocity potential
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Wgrib2 in Mac
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Christian Marquardt
- Small correction to the wiki at OpenGrADS.org
Christian Marquardt
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Christian Marquardt
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- Small correction to the wiki at OpenGrADS.org
Arlindo da Silva
- Wgrib2 in Mac (3rd try)
Jennifer Adams
- Small correction to the wiki at OpenGrADS.org
Christian Marquardt
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Christian Marquardt
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Arlindo da Silva
- New PyGrADS 1.0.8, works on Windows
Arlindo da Silva
- Build Grads with dods 1.9.0-rc1 on Suse 10.3
Patrice Dumas
- Problem in writing .ctl file for global GRIB file
- vint fonction extrapolation
Remi Meynadier
- Problem: screen and graphics file aspect ratios are different
Tero Siili
- Sea Surface Temperature
Daniel Fritz
- Sea Surface Temperature
Jack Ordille
- Sea Surface Temperature
Jayakrishnan PR
- Cnvgrib on FreeBSD?
Pierre Cassar
- month sst
- Sea Surface Temperature
Tom Knutson
- mpdset
Diane Holman
- Easterly waves tracks
Juan Matias Mendez Perez
- Sea Surface Temperature
Eric Altshuler
- Maps outdated
Stefan Gofferje
- Maps outdated
Bob Kuligowski
- user defined extensions installing problems
Xiaofeng Gong
- Maps outdated
Stefan Gofferje
Remi Meynadier
- lterp
Ranyére Nóbrega
- Error Can't open Station/Index
Ranyére Nóbrega
- Error Can't open Station/Index] (Solved)
Ranyére Nóbrega
- lterp
Ct Nilza Barros
- lterp
Jennifer Adams
- user defined extensions installing problems
Arlindo da Silva
- Maps outdated
martynas kazlauskas
- Maps outdated
- Cnvgrib on FreeBSD?
Valerio Guerra
- user defined functions with varying z or t... does it work in grads2.0?
Henrique Barbosa
Henrique Barbosa
- ggrid error
Valerio Guerra
- ggrib error
Valerio Guerra
- ggrib error
amelia graziano
- user defined functions with varying z or t... does it work in grads2.0?
Arlindo da Silva
- ggrib error
Valerio Guerra
Daniel Fritz
Stephen R McMillan
Stephen R McMillan
Remi Meynadier
Last message date:
Fri Feb 29 18:27:19 EST 2008
Archived on: Wed Apr 14 09:37:21 EDT 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).