GrADS 2.0.a1

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Wed Feb 13 14:20:37 EST 2008

I have posted a new release -- 2.0.a1. The src and binaries are here:

This release has some significant bug fixes:

0. Detection of linear and wrapping axes for netcdf files opened with
1. GRIB2 grids that have a bitmap were being drawn upside down
2. Fixed display for gxout=model and gxout=grid
3. Fixed handling of templated netcdf data sets opened with xdfopen
4. Fixed detection of unlimited axis in hdf files opened with sdfopen
5. Fixed I/O of PDEF files
6. Fix to gribmap when creating index files >250mb
7. Added some debug statements for detection of errors in calls to
seekgb() in the grib2c library.

These bugs were causing catastrophic errors (especially #6) and so it
seemed worthwhile to put out a new release. I have yet to make any
changes to the build system -- I know it's hard to build from source,
and I hope to make it easier, but right now fixing catastrophic bugs
in the GrADS core is a higher priority for me.

To take advantage of the debug statements (#7 above), you must change
the value of debug in line 75 of gaio.c:
   static gaint debug=1;
and then build from source. The binary distributions have debug set
to 0.

I will work on getting out some more binaries for: Mac PowerPC,
SunOS, and RHEL4 x86_64. Sorry, we don't have any 32-bit linux boxes
at COLA anymore.

Please post comments and questions and bug reports here, no matter
how technical they are. The gradsusr posts are archived and
searchable, which makes this the best place to report and resolve


Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at

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