Reading Binary codes

Christopher Lynnes Chris.Lynnes at NASA.GOV
Wed Feb 20 15:06:55 EST 2008

On 2/19/08 11:31 AM, "Arlindo da Silva" <dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU> wrote:

> On Feb 19, 2008 12:21 AM, baby liz <babyliz_leia at> wrote:
>> Hie..
>>    I would like to know if GrADS can actually read binary codes and
>> display them? I have this TOMS satellite data in binary codes. Can I just
>> use GrADS to read the data and display it?
> GrADS can read binary files, provided they are written in a particular way.
> Your best bet is to study the documentation:
> As for reading TOMS EarthProbe aerosol index data, are you sure you have
> "binary files"? The documentation:
> refers to ASCII formatted files. In this case, they will need to be
> reformated in order to be read by GrADS.
>     Arlindo

Note that TOMS EP data is available in a reformatted form, albeit to
HDF-EOS, at the Goddard  Earth Sciences Data and Information Services
Center.  You can search for files with the Mirador search tool at
or go directly to FTP download at

When you get the data files you want, run "gradshdf" and use sdfopen, e.g.:

ga-> sdfopen TOMS-EP_L3-TOMSEPL3_2005m1231_v8.HDF
Scanning self-describing file:  TOMS-EP_L3-TOMSEPL3_2005m1231_v8.HDF
SDF file has no discernable time coordinate.
SDF file TOMS-EP_L3-TOMSEPL3_2005m1231_v8.HDF is open as file 1
LON set to 0 360
LAT set to -89.5 89.5
LEV set to 0 0
Time values set: 1:1:1:0 1:1:1:0
ga-> set gxout shaded
ga-> d ozone
Contouring: 220 to 420 interval 20


Christopher Lynnes             NASA/GSFC, Code 610.2         301-614-5185

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