Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart

Stefan Gofferje gradsusers at GOFFERJE.HOMELINUX.ORG
Mon Feb 18 17:33:33 EST 2008


Stephen R McMillan schrieb:
> For "H" example, try
> 'draw string 'x' 'y' H' where x and y are screen coordinates. Use 'set
> font...',  'set strsiz...' and 'set string...' before the draw for
> additional controls.

I see, I really did not find the right words... :).
What I meant was a formula or an expression how to draw a "H" to the
right place to mark a high pressure area.

So I have a grid with pressure data and I want to have "H" and "L"
automatically drawn to the right places i.e. where the pressure is high
or low.

I have been experimenting with maskout() but this is not satisfactory as
I couldn't get letters from this and as "H" and "L" are pretty relative
marks, depending on the synoptic situation.

Tervehdys Suomesta,
Stefan Gofferje

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bright until you hear them speak?

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