segmentation fault using multiple netcf files and xdfopen

Chi Nguyen Chi.Nguyen at SCI.MONASH.EDU.AU
Thu Feb 7 17:55:47 EST 2008

Hi Adam,

I have that problem all the times and have to live with it. But if you use some scripts to do your plotting instead of typing commnands manually, it will work. It still gives you that errors, but it's easy to rerun the script and get it done, eventually! (It's just my simple and silly way to deal with it)

Good luck!


Adam Sobel <ahs129 at COLUMBIA.EDU> wrote:>
> I have a set of netcdf files, each is 1 day. I have a .ctl file so I can
> view a bunch of them together in sequence using xdfopen.  The ctl file
> is below.
> If I set t to the whole time range (in this case set t 1 12) I can view
> the variables u or v just fine, e.g. make animations for the whole
> period, looks good.  But then if I do
> define rvort=hcurl(u,v)
> I get a segmentation fault.
> If I set t 1, and then compute rvort as above for just the 1 day, it's
> fine.
> If I then step through the days one at a time, it crashes at day 4.  If
> however upon first opening the file I set t 4 immediately, it works
> fine.  There is nothing wrong with that netcdf file.
> If I change the start date in the ctl file, I get crashes at different
> dates - not corresponding to the same data file, nor to the same value
> of t.  It seems unpredictable when it will crash except it's always
> at a fairly small value of t.
> The problem isn't with hcurl, other commands that operate on
> multiple times cause the same seg fault - e.g.
> define uav=ave(u,t=1,t=10)
> Any help much appreciated!  The version of GrADS is v1.9b4, the
> operating system is HP Unix.
> thanks
> Adam
> OPTIONS template yrev
> TITLE netCDF file
> UNDEF -999
> XDEF  lon  144 LINEAR 0.00  2.5
> YDEF  lat  73 LINEAR  -90.00  2.5
> ZDEF  lvl  17 LEVELS  1000.00  925.00  850.00  700.00  600.00  500.00
> 400.00  300.00  250.00   200.00  150.00  100.00   70.00  50.00 30.00
> 20.00 10.00
> TDEF time 12  LINEAR 0z25JUL2000  1dy
> VARS   10
> geop_ht=>phi   17  99 x,y,z,t
> air_temp=>ts   17  99 x,y,z,t
> zonal_wnd=>u   17  99 x,y,z,t
> merid_wnd=>v   17  99 x,y,z,t
> mix_rt0=>q   17  99 x,y,z,t
> dewpt_scrn=>td   1  99 x,y,t
> mslp=>ps   1  99 x,y,t
> temp_scrn=>t2m   1  99 x,y,t
> uwnd10m=>u10m   1  99 x,y,t
> vwnd10m=>v10m   1  99 x,y,t
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> Adam H. Sobel
> Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics
> Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
> Columbia University
> 500 W. 120th Street, Room 217
> New York, NY 10027 USA
> tel: 212-854-6587
> fax: 212-854-8257
> e-mail: ahs129 at
> web:
> Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre
> GPO Box 1289
> Melbourne VIC 3001
> Australia
> tel: +61-(0)3-9669-4645
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
Nguyen Chi Mai
School of Mathematical Sciences
R. 462, Bld. 28, Clayton Campus
Monash University
Work Ph. +61 3 9905 4424

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