Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a pressure chart

Patrick Reuter preuter at LABRI.FR
Tue Feb 19 05:19:49 EST 2008

Hi there,



I tested the script, works fine (after some small installation problems).

However, it seems that the script draws "relative" highs and lows --
that means that you can encounter a low which is 1020 hPA, or a high
that is 1010 hPA ...

To solve this, in, just add in line 104 :

  if ((val<=1013 & maxormin = "min") | (val>=1013 & maxormin = "max"))

(or whatever threshold other than 1013 you like)

and the corresponding 'endif' after the draw commands.


Stephen R McMillan <smcmillan at PLANALYTICS.COM> a écrit :

> Ah! So you meant how to auto-find the H and L locations, not just draw the
> symbols.  You can use a combination of the maxloc and max, or minloc and
> min, functions. I would check out the clhilo udf that Matias suggested
> (thanks for mentioning, Matias). I have not used that one personally. Let
> us know if it works for your project!
> Stephen
> '
> Stefan Gofferje <gradsusers at GOFFERJE.HOMELINUX.ORG>
> 02/18/2008 04:33 PM
> Please respond to
> GRADSUSR at LIST.CINECA.IT by 02/20/2008
> To
> cc
> Subject
> Re: Need a hint - how to automatically draw "H" and "L" into a  pressure
> chart
> Hi,
> Stephen R McMillan schrieb:
>> For "H" example, try
>> 'draw string 'x' 'y' H' where x and y are screen coordinates. Use 'set
>> font...',  'set strsiz...' and 'set string...' before the draw for
>> additional controls.
> I see, I really did not find the right words... :).
> What I meant was a formula or an expression how to draw a "H" to the
> right place to mark a high pressure area.
> So I have a grid with pressure data and I want to have "H" and "L"
> automatically drawn to the right places i.e. where the pressure is high
> or low.
> I have been experimenting with maskout() but this is not satisfactory as
> I couldn't get letters from this and as "H" and "L" are pretty relative
> marks, depending on the synoptic situation.
> Tervehdys Suomesta,
> Stefan Gofferje
> --
> Since light travels faster than sound, is that why some people appear
> bright until you hear them speak?
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