segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound

Ryo Furue furue at HAWAII.EDU
Mon Feb 18 18:29:13 EST 2008

Hello Arlindo,

|     I'm using grads-1.9b4 on Linux.
| Is this bug still in the v1.9.0-rc1 binaries?

Yes.  I get a segfault and the problem seems to be the same.  In
particular, a quick debug session revealed that

   ginx == -1490716

   gzinx == 1
   gridptr->dimmin[GZINDEX] == 30

near line 3237 of gasdf.c  .   Note, however, that I used the newer
binary with the source codes that came with grads-1.9b4 for this debug
session on gdb (since the binary doesn't contain source code).

By the way, I'm not familiar with how GrADS is distributed.  What's
the relationship between the GrADS Home Page (
and SourceForge?  Which binary should one use?


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