Error during making a CTL file for .nc files (mom3 output)

Sergey Varlamov vsm at RIAM.KYUSHU-U.AC.JP
Tue Feb 12 04:30:00 EST 2008


Try to replace

options  byteswapped little endian template

options  byteswapped little_endian template

For more constructive analysis need at least output from
ncdump -c c:/

Sergey Varlamov

Manish Singh wrote:

>Hi all ,
>         As i have tried to make ctl file for monthly output of mom3
>model ,which are in the form of .nc files .When i have tried it on
>windowsxp then i have got an error of type :
>dset  c:/
>dtype  netcdf
>options  byteswapped little endian template
>undef -1.e+34
>xdef 240 linear 0.75 1.5
>ydef 134 levels -74.25 -72.75 ---------------------------------
>zdef 25 levels 7.5 22.5 37.5 52.5 -----------------
>tdef 5  linear 01jan1952 1mo
>vars 2
>temp        25  t,z,y,x  Potential Temperature (deg C)
>salinity    25  t,z,y,x  Salinity (ppm-0.035)
>open c:\ocean_4D.ctl
>Scanning descriptor file : C:\ocean_4D.ctl
>open error :Data file type invalid
> -->The invalid description file record is :
> -->dtype netcdf
>I have also tried it for itanium ,but in that one  i again got same
>problem .
>A lot of thanks in advance.

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