Wgrib2 for FreeBSD

Paolo Ciraci info at PAOLOCIRACI.IT
Tue Feb 19 15:31:36 EST 2008

Wesley Ebisuzaki wrote:
> Paolo,
>   You are almost there, you compiled all the libraries.  The final step
> requires gnu make.  Try
>    cd wgrib2
>   gmake -f makefile_all_libs
> I am assuming gnu-make is called gmake on FreeBSD systems.
>            Wesley

Thanks Wesley, but unfortunately it did not solved :-(
The result of 'gmake -f makefile_all_libs' in wgrib2 directory was:

 > cc -o wgrib2 -I ../g2clib-1.0.5 -I ../netcdf-3.6.2/libsrc -O2
-DUSE_REGEX -DUSE_NETCDF -DUSE_TIGGE Alias.o CodeTable.o Code_Values.o
Data.o Dump.o Ensemble.o File.o FlagTable.o Flush.o Grads.o Grib.o
Help.o Inv.o Latlon.o Level.o Lola.o Macro.o Match.o Misc.o Netcdf.o
Range.o Scan.o Sec0.o Sec1.o Sec3.o Sec4.o Sec5.o Sec6.o Sec_len.o
Tigge.o Undefine.o VerfTime.o addtime.o cname.o earth.o fatal_error.o
ffopen.o flt2ieee.o fnlist.o geo.o gribtab.o ieee2flt.o int8.o
intpower.o missing.o rd_grib2_msg.o seekgrib2.o wgrib2.o wrt_grib.o
wrtieee.o -L ../g2clib-1.0.5 -lgrib2c  -L/usr/lib -lpng -L
../jasper-1.900.1/src/libjasper/.libs -ljasper -L
../netcdf-3.6.2/libsrc/.libs -lnetcdf -lm
 > /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lgrib2c
 > gmake: *** [wgrib2] Error 1

Sorry but I'm not a Unix/FreeBSD programmer so I can't guess what all
that means... :-(

Thank you very much and best regards.

Dr. Paolo Ciraci
info at paolociraci.it

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