segmentation fault: gasdf.c:3237, index out of bound

Ryo Furue furue at HAWAII.EDU
Fri Feb 22 22:44:04 EST 2008


| >    But, creating a descriptor file for a netCDF file is like
| >   adding English subtitles to an English-speaking movie!
| I disagree. Many self-describing files have inadequate metadata and
| clients such as GrADS and Ferret have difficulty handling them
| without any guidance. Descriptor files give the user control over
| which metadata to use and how to interpret the data.  Without that
| option you are handicapped by what the data provider put in the
| file.

No.  I can fix bad metadata in netCDF files if necessary.
I agree that the GrADS descriptor file is one good method
of fixing bad metadata.

| Consider the file you submitted -- none of your variables has
| a 'long_name'.

Because I didn't bother to include that information.  When I need it,
I'll include it.  (The "provider" was me!)

| OK. I will let it go too, because I could rant for a long time about
| bad metadata in self-describing files...

But I can rant about bad metadata in GrADS descriptor files provided
by somebody.  It's not a fault of self-describing files.  It's a fault
of the "providers".


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