Compiling grads2.0a - how to configure and how to compile?

Stefan Gofferje gradsusers at GOFFERJE.HOMELINUX.ORG
Thu Feb 7 15:57:13 EST 2008


as I didn't find any binary packages for x86-32, I try compiling myself.
But already the configuring fails...

I downloaded the supplib package from Sourceforge and compiled it.
dirstructure is as follows:

In /usr/src/supplibs/i686-pc-linux-gnu/ I have the include dir which
contains one subdir for each package and the lib dir which includes alls
libs in one dir.

./configure finds nothing. (s. config.txt)

After export SUPPLIBS=/usr/src/supplibs/i686-pc-linux-gnu

./configure find at least the libs for printim and readline (s.
config2.txt) but not grib2 libs nor any other.

Very strange also is the error in the NetCDF check "command not found"...

Has anyone any hints on how to get that compiled?

Tervehdys Suomesta,
Stefan Gofferje

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