Connect points in scatter plot

Luca Villa villa at FISICA.UNIGE.IT
Fri Feb 8 06:23:45 EST 2008

I draw a scatter plot and I would like to connect each dots with a line.
I use the following commands inside a script:

set gxout scatter
set z 1 5
d u;gh

z is a pressure level
gh is geopotential height of each level
u is a wind component over each level

The result is a perfect scatter plot with 5 points, and I would like to
connect them with a line.

Does anybody can help me?
Thank in advance



Dott. Ing. VILLA Luca
University of Genoa
Department of Physics
Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics Group
via Dodecaneso, 33.
16146 Genova - Italy

tel: +39 010 353 6478
fax: +39 010 353 6354
e-mail: villa at
         luca.villa27 at

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