Output txt specific format

Stegert stegert at IFM.UNI-HAMBURG.DE
Thu Feb 14 11:31:58 EST 2008

Dear Ranyere,

as I look to it, I think so. The xy 2 world coord.
was calulated:
       ilon = _ilonmin + ix*_dlon
       ilat = _ilatmin + iy*_dlat
where in GrADS the _ilonmin equals x = 1
So, it has to be:
       ilon = _ilonmin + (ix-1)*_dlon
       ilat = _ilatmin + (iy-1)*_dlat

I hope, this solves the problem.

Ranyére Nóbrega schrieb:
> Thanks Stegert, by the help.
> I tested script that you sent me and it generated txt, according to what
> I needed.
> However, Itested the output data  of the following form:
> Compared n value of the generated file (output.txt) for a lat x and a
> long y, with the value defined in grads, for example.
> If the file output.txt gave me the next values:
> Lat     lon     t     precipitation
> -10    -50    1    15,3
> I did,
> Set lat -10
> Set lon -50
> Set t 1
> d p - result value=14,1
> However, the value is different from save in output.txt.
> It it has idea that it can be?

Christoph Stegert:  Ecological Modelling group
Institut für Meereskunde - Universität Hamburg, Germany
Zentrum f. Marine u. Atmosphärische Wissenschaften ZMAW
Bundesstr.53, 20146 Hamburg - Phone: +49-40/ 42838-7486

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