correlation with unequal grids
Teddy Allen
teddyallen at YAHOO.COM
Wed Feb 20 14:59:19 EST 2008
Dear Grads users,
I am trying to perform a simple correlation script
that correlates rainfall at a location in the
caribbean to global SLP for various months.
Grads seems to give two options:
A) scorr: correlation within 2 common grids (not what
I am attempting)
B) tcorr: correlation within 2 distinct grids, but
over a time series.
I would like to apply option B but for only particular
months, not a time series.
Below is my tcorr script that I am hoping to amend to
only account for a single month. Does anybody have any
Thank you,
teddy allen
'sdfopen c:\testdata\netcdf\'
'sdfopen c:\testdata\netcdf\'
'set x 1'
'set y 1'
'set z 1'
'set t 5 11'
'define jam = aave(precip, lon=277, lon=280, lat=18,
'set lon 0 360'
'set lat -90 90'
'set z 1'
'set t 5 11'
'set gxout shaded'
'set clevs -1 -.9 -.8 -.7 -.6 -.5 -.4 -.3 -.2 -.1 0 .1
.2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1'
'set rbrange 2 10'
'd tcorr (jam, pressure.2, t=5, t=11)'
'draw title correlation'
'run cbar'
'printim c:\testdata\tcorr.jpg gif x800 x600 white'
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