Oliver König oliver at WINDFINDER.COM
Tue Feb 12 00:21:50 EST 2008

I want to compile wgrib2 for Grads 2 and then process GFS gribfiles from
NCEP/NOAA. I downloaded

What is the right way to compile wgrib2?

There are makefiles in grib2/ and there are makefiles in grib2/wgrib2/? Which
ones do I have to use in which order?

I don't understand the README.ncep at all!
# Compiling wgrib2 on blue is different .. using NCO compiled libraries
# (0) make sure you have a fresh copy from ftpprd
# (1) tar -xvf wgrib2.tar
# (2) cd grib2/g2clib-1.0.2
# (3) make -f makefile.ncep
# (4) cd ../wgrib2
# (5) compile.ncep

What does "Compiling wgrib2 on blue is different" mean? And what is "NCO
compiled libraries"? and what is meant by "make sure you have a fresh copy
from ftpprd"? What is makefile_ncep good for? says: "Be sure to use
the --disable-netcdf configure option when building for GrADS version 2.0."

Please help. thank you!

Oliver König

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