pdef and interpolation question

Goodson,Ron [Edm] Ron.Goodson at EC.GC.CA
Wed Feb 20 13:37:40 EST 2008


Perhaps a silly question.

I have some "indexed" data on a polarstereographic grid.  Here is an
example for, lets say, precipitation type:

1 = rain
2 = snow
3 = freezing rain
4 = drizzle
5 = mixed rain-snow


Since this is on a PS grid, when it comes into GrADS all values are
interpolated.  And, for other reasons, I'm interpolating onto a finer
grid than what is in pdef

As a result, when the original grid data might be a 1 next to a 5 ..
GrADS interpolates this to   1 3 5 (if I use 2x finer resolution)... so
I end up with a not-real "freezing rain" between the rain and mixed

Is there some sneaky way of telling GrADS to use nearest-neighbour to
interpolate from the original data -- or some other solution I haven't
thought of.  I had thought of regrid (or interp) .. but that might not
work if it happens to grab the new-interpolated value (eg -- the "3" in
the example above.

any thoughts?



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