November 2006 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Nov 1 04:47:20 EST 2006
Ending: Thu Nov 30 23:36:23 EST 2006
Messages: 160
- NetCDF Packed Byte data
Litta AJ
- Shading graphical output with black to white graduation
Ernest Afiesimama
- Multi-color axes
Eric Aligo
- Grads on Slackware 11 - segmentation faults due to a severe case of versionitis
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- Grads on Slackware 11 - segmentation faults due to a severe case of versionitis
Jean Pierre Arabonis
- help
José Antonio Aravéquia
- help
José Antonio Aravéquia
- help
José Antonio Aravéquia
- Fwrite output (WINDOWS) in .txt or ASCII format (vs unreadable binary)
Henrique Barbosa
- NARR grid point data extraction
Henrique Barbosa
- bandpass Lanczos filter in wavenumber domain
Henrique Barbosa
- Grib Data
Henrique Barbosa
- page setting
Henrique Barbosa
- Fwrite output (WINDOWS) in .txt or ASCII format (vs unreadable binary)
Henrique Barbosa
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
Henrique Barbosa
- How to call a script in script
Davide Sotil Bertanzetti
- interpolation for farecast verification
Satyaban BishoyiRatna
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
José Paulo Bonatti
- gelp for divergence
José Paulo Bonatti
- wind rose
- trend
Yip Cleo
- Tephigram in GrADS
Yip Cleo
- vertical cdiff
Maisa Rojas Corradi
- Data in rotated grid coordinates
Javier G. Corripio
- ETOP2 Across Longitude 180 (140E to 140W)
Joe Covert
- Statistical Analysis
- Data output
- page setting
Ren Diandong
- Data
Ren Diandong
- Data in rotated grid coordinates
Ren Diandong
- To Lorna R. Nayagam, Sorry for late response
Ren Diandong
- {Spam?} For Nina: Data in rotated grid coordinates
Ren Diandong
- Data in rotated grid coordinates
Ren Diandong
- Data in rotated grid coordinates
Ren Diandong
- Data in rotated grid coordinates
Ren Diandong
- N polar stereo
Ren Diandong
- For GrADS developers
Ren Diandong
- For Dunja
Ren Diandong
- nps
Dunja Drvar
- N polar stereo
Dunja Drvar
- Grads on Slackware 11 - segmentation faults due to a severe case of versionitis
Patrice Dumas
- GrADS interested new user
Patrice Dumas
- Grads on Slackware 11 - segmentation faults due to a severe case of versionitis
Patrice Dumas
- gradsdods cannot open sdf file with Suse Linux - undefined symbol: __dynamic_cast_2
Patrice Dumas
Patrice Dumas
- NARR grid point data extraction
Wesley Ebisuzaki
- radar color scheme
- GrADS interested new user
Derek Goring
- gradsdods cannot open sdf file with Suse Linux - undefined symbol: __dynamic_cast_2
Uwe Gramann
- Remove from the list
M. Athar Haroon
- help
Jon Hubertz
- eofgrads in Windows XP
- How to call a script in script
- Grib Data
- GrADS interested new user
- ctl assistance
- Bin on MAC OSX
Katherin Kullgren
- How to call a script in script
Katherin Kullgren
- Bin on MAC OSX
Heiner Körnich
- GrADS interested new user
Heiner Körnich
- printing grey scale with color overlay
Heiner Körnich
- printing grey scale with color overlay
Heiner Körnich
- printing grey scale with color overlay
Heiner Körnich
- Data output
Heiner Körnich
- gelp for divergence
Heiner Körnich
- Precision of amean and aave
Timothy Lin
- Help-Perfil!
João Lona
- NetCDF Packed Byte data
- NetCDF Packed Byte data
- printing grey scale with color overlay
- printing grey scale with color overlay
- printing grey scale with color overlay
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK
- ETOP2 Across Longitude 180 (140E to 140W)
bernd.becker at METOFFICE.GOV.UK
- Calculating Azim-Averaged fields
- Data output
Stephen R McMillan
- gradsdods
Ana Cláudia Medeiros
- problems trying to open an nc file
Isilda da Cunha Menezes
- eofgrads install
Dr. P. Mukhopadhyay
- ¦ ^ Î ` ¡G [Fwd: Re: eofgrads]
Dr. Parthasarathi Mukhopadhyay
- [Fwd: EOFGRADS problems]
Matthias Munnich
- 回复: eofgrads install
Matthias Munnich
- page setting
Matthias Munnich
- 回复: 回复: eofgrads install
Matthias Munnich
- eofgrads in Windows XP
Matthias Munnich
- Eofgrads users
Matthias Munnich
- help
Omar Müller
- help
Omar Müller
- help
Omar Müller
- help
Omar Müller
- help
Omar Müller
- undef value
Mary Jo Nath
- Grads & Google Earth
Geert Jan van Oldenborgh
- How to call a script in script
Pablo Oliveira
- installing win32e
John Papineau
- Fwrite output (WINDOWS) in .txt or ASCII format (vs unreadable binary)
Jason E Patla
- FWRITE question
Jason E Patla
- Data
Gudrun Nina Petersen
- Data in rotated grid coordinates
Gudrun Nina Petersen
- Data in rotated grid coordinates
Gudrun Nina Petersen
- NARR grid point data extraction
Patrick Pyle
- MM5 precip
Srivatsan Raghavan
- bandpass Lanczos filter in wavenumber domain
- Reply to Charles Seman from S. De regarding bandpass Lanczos filter in wavenumber domain
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
- gelp for divergence
Eduardo Agosta Scarel
- gelp for divergence
Eduardo Agosta Scarel
- Shading graphical output with black to white graduation
Eduardo Agosta Scarel
- NetCDF Packed Byte data
Charles Seman
- NetCDF Packed Byte data
Charles Seman
- seasonal average
Charles Seman
- set gxout fwrite, print, line, shaded, etc
Charles Seman
- seasonal average
Charles Seman
- seasonal average
Charles Seman
- MM5 precip
Charles Seman
- bandpass Lanczos filter in wavenumber domain
Charles Seman
- creating a new file
Wajeeha Shafeeq
- how to make tracks ???
Andre Rodrigues Simoes
- N polar stereo
Ivana Stiperski
- eofgrads install
Diane Stokes
- help
Diane Stokes
- Variable name too long
Diane Stokes
- creating a new file
Diane Stokes
- installing win32e
Hüseyin TOROS
- trend and r2
Jiande Wang
- Saving animation
Scott Weaver
- windows version is corrupted
Michael I. Westphal
- 64 bits
wilfredo burgoa
- undef value
- undef value
- trend and r2
- eofgrads install
- 回复: eofgrads install
- 回复: 回复: eofgrads install
- how to get seasonal time series?
- 回复: how to get seasonal time series?
- radar color scheme
walter harms
- Variable name too long
- unknown keyword in description file
zilore mumba
- Open Error
zilore mumba
- page setting
lorna nayagam
- page setting
lorna nayagam
- seasonal average
praise praise
- seasonal average
praise praise
- seasonal average
praise praise
- seasonal average
praise praise
- trend and r2
praise praise
- trend and r2
praise praise
- eofgrads in Windows XP
praise praise
- creating a new file
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
sajjad saeed
- Units of Precipitation,U,V wind etc. in ERA 40 datasets
sajjad saeed
- creating a new file
brian vant-hull
- Precision of amean and aave
brian vant-hull
- Shading graphical output with black to white graduation
bhatt vihang
- Precision of amean and aave
Heiner K örnich
Last message date:
Thu Nov 30 23:36:23 EST 2006
Archived on: Wed Apr 14 09:35:53 EDT 2010
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).