
Diane Stokes Diane.Stokes at NOAA.GOV
Wed Nov 8 09:34:16 EST 2006


My best guess is that you forgot to include "options sequential" in your
descriptor file.  That could account for the leading 0 in your output.

If the remaining points are not in the order you expect, remember that
grads loops through longitude first.


Omar Müller wrote:
> I prove the next code for create binary data files
> program crea_dat
>         real dum(2,3)
>         parameter (ni=1,nj=1,nk=1,nt=1)
>         OPEN(8,FILE='bin.dat',status='replace',FORM='UNFORMATTED')
>         OPEN(7,FILE='data.dat',STATUS='OLD')
>         do t=1,nt !temp
>           do v=1,nv !var
>             do n=1,nk !level
>                 do i=1,2 !long
>                         do j=1,3 !lat
>                                 read(7,*,END=150)d
> 150                             dum(i,j)=d
>                         end do
>                 end do
>                 write(8)dum
>             end do
>           end do
>         end do
>         CLOSE(8)
>         CLOSE(7)
> end
> where data.dat is:
> 1
> 2
> 3
> 1
> 2
> 3
> but I obtain in GRADS:
> 0 1 1 2 2 3 when I use d command in gxout print.
> Where is the error?
> Plese help me, I'm from Argentina.

Diane Stokes
Environmental Modeling Center
National Weather Service/NOAA

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