[gradsusr] Archived ncep gfs model rainfall data

Andrew Friedman andfried at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 05:48:40 EDT 2019

Hi Charles,

Could this be related to the US government change from http to https? 

If so, you will have to use a newer version of GrADS and change your link to https.


> On Mar 24, 2019, at 2:59 PM, Charles Langton Vanya <dolesibeni at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I am struggling to get archive model gfs or trmm rainfall data. I have
> been trying using different links but I am an able to locate where
> this data can be downloaded. The downloaded data can be an ascii(
> eg.gfs_3_20120516_1200_fff.ascii)  format which is compatible with my
> script.
> I would like to process this data so that in the end I can have a
> binary data for example Malawi_rainfall.bin
> I have been trying from this  link:
> http://nomads.ncdc.noaa.gov/dods/NCEP_GFS/",yearmon,"/",bdate,"/gfs_3_",bdate,"_0000_fff.ascii?
> But I am not able to get the data as it seems the link is deprecated.
> Does anyone know any link that can enable me access such kind of data.
> I would appreciate any kind of assistance.
> Best Regards,
> Charles Langton Vanya (Bsc, MSc.Agrometeorology)
> Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services
> P.O.Box 1808,
> Blantyre,
> Malawi
> Cell:+265-888-980 545
> 00265111939610
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