[gradsusr] modifying default longitude grid centered at 180

Jeff Duda jeffduda319 at gmail.com
Tue May 17 00:40:53 EDT 2016

I think 'set mpvals' can be used to achieve the desired result. Try messing
around with that function.

Jeff Duda

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Kyle Clem <Kyle.Clem at vuw.ac.nz> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working with ERA Interim reanalysis data and NOAA SST data, which
> start at longitude 0 and run to 360. The grads default lat/lon grid centers
> this data about the dateline/180 degrees. I would like to have the plot
> begin from say 60°E and run around the full 360 degrees, so centered at
> 60°W/240°E. I have tried to achieve this two ways: set the longitude values
> to 60 420 and -60 300. However, the data is cut off and is no longer
> continuous. Is there an alternative way to change the plot so that it is
> centered at a different longitude value, but remains continuous around the
> globe? It works fine in mproj sps format, but I would like to keep the
> mproj in the default lat/lon grid.
> Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Kyle
> ----------------------
> Kyle Clem, M.Sc.
> PhD Student
> School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences
> Victoria University of Wellington
> Cotton Building, Room 222
> kyle.clem at vuw.ac.nz
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Jeff Duda
Graduate research assistant
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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