[gradsusr] modifying default longitude grid centered at 180

Kyle Clem Kyle.Clem at vuw.ac.nz
Tue May 17 01:11:08 EDT 2016

Thank you, Jeff. I actually solved the issue after sending the email-go figure! Apparently I had not tried 'set lon 60 420' etc, I had only tried 'set lon -60 300'. The former method works! To get the map centered at the Greenwich Meridian as opposed to the dateline, it just requires 'set lon 180 540', and ta da, it works. Really cool.

The only remaining issue is with the land polygon for plotting SSTs (lpoly_mres.asc). The lpoly will not draw outside of 0 to 360. So, a plot starting and ending at 180° (centered about the Greenwich Meridian) will only draw the polygon from 180 to 0 on the western half, and won't draw for the remaining eastern half of the figure. Any ideas on how to address this problem?



Kyle Clem, M.Sc.
PhD Student
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences
Victoria University of Wellington
Cotton Building, Room 222
kyle.clem at vuw.ac.nz
From: gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org <gradsusr-bounces at gradsusr.org> on behalf of Jeff Duda <jeffduda319 at gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2016 4:40:53 PM
To: GrADS Users Forum
Subject: Re: [gradsusr] modifying default longitude grid centered at 180

I think 'set mpvals' can be used to achieve the desired result. Try messing around with that function.

Jeff Duda

On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 5:54 PM, Kyle Clem <Kyle.Clem at vuw.ac.nz<mailto:Kyle.Clem at vuw.ac.nz>> wrote:


I am working with ERA Interim reanalysis data and NOAA SST data, which start at longitude 0 and run to 360. The grads default lat/lon grid centers this data about the dateline/180 degrees. I would like to have the plot begin from say 60°E and run around the full 360 degrees, so centered at 60°W/240°E. I have tried to achieve this two ways: set the longitude values to 60 420 and -60 300. However, the data is cut off and is no longer continuous. Is there an alternative way to change the plot so that it is centered at a different longitude value, but remains continuous around the globe? It works fine in mproj sps format, but I would like to keep the mproj in the default lat/lon grid.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.



Kyle Clem, M.Sc.
PhD Student
School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences
Victoria University of Wellington
Cotton Building, Room 222
kyle.clem at vuw.ac.nz<mailto:kyle.clem at vuw.ac.nz>

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gradsusr at gradsusr.org<mailto:gradsusr at gradsusr.org>

Jeff Duda
Graduate research assistant
University of Oklahoma School of Meteorology
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms
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