[gradsusr] use GRACE satallite data in GrADS

Bimal Gyawali bml.gya at gmail.com
Fri Jul 8 09:37:51 EDT 2016

Hi All,
I would like analyze GRACE netcdf data using GrADS. when I do ncdump I
found the following information. I am new to grads and I dont know how to
handle with those kind of datasets. when I plotted time series the plot is
only up to 2012. I dont know how to convert the time and skip those missing
months.  Please can anyone help me with how to work with this data?
 time:units = "days since 2002-01-01 00:00:00"
  time_epoch = "2002-01-01 00:00:00" ;
  time_start = " 107.5 days since epoch or 2002-04-18" ;
  time_end = "5104.5 days since epoch or 2015-12-23" ;
  months_missing =
Thank you.

*Bimal Gyawali*

* Graduate Research Assistant Department of Physical and Environment
Science Natural Resources Center Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Corpus
Christi, TX 78412 Tel: 435-881-3603*
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