[gradsusr] (no subject)

Jonathan Wynn Smith jwsmith9 at gmail.com
Wed May 21 21:25:25 EDT 2014


I would like overlay vectors of vertical motion (W) on top of ozone
contours in a N-S cross section from WRF model output.

Here is my script:
* B Vs -VTL
*'open /Volumes/JWS/GRADS_OUTPUT/NEW/lnox_bb_p.ctl'
'open /Volumes/JWS/GRADS_OUTPUT/NEW/lnox_only_p.ctl'
*'open /Volumes/JWS/GRADS_OUTPUT/NEW/bb_p.ctl'
'open /Volumes/JWS/GRADS_OUTPUT/NEW/ctl_p.ctl'

'set mpdset hires'
'set mpt 1 1 1 4'
"set mapdraw on"
'set display color white'
'run rgbset.gs'

"set parea 1 10 1 7.5"
"set LON -20"
"set LAT -10 10"
"set xlopts 1 10 0.25"
"set ylopts 1 10 0.25"
"set LEV 1000 100"
'set grads off'
* Use 14 for blue/purple color
"set rgb 23 0 0 255"
"set rgb 24 20 20 255"
"set rgb 25 40 40 255"
"set rgb 26 60 60 255"
"set rgb 27 80 80 255"
"set rgb 28 100 100 255"
"set rgb 29 120 120 255"
"set rgb 30 140 140 255"
"set rgb 31 160 160 255"
"set rgb 32 180 180 255"
"set rgb 33 200 200 255"
"set rgb 34 220 220 255"
"set rgb 35 240 240 255"

* Red light to dark for anamolies
"set rgb 36 255 240 240"
"set rgb 37 255 230 230"
"set rgb 38 255 220 220"
"set rgb 39 255 200 200"
"set rgb 40 255 180 180"
"set rgb 41 255 160 160"
"set rgb 42 255 140 140"
"set rgb 43 255 120 120"
"set rgb 44 255 100 100"
"set rgb 45 255 80 80"
"set rgb 46 255 60 60"
"set rgb 47 255 40 40"
"set rgb 48 255 20 20"
"set rgb 49 255 0 0"

"set gxout shaded"
*Ozone color
"set clevs -6 -2 0 5 7 10 11 13 15 18 24 30 33"
"set ccols 23 28 31 36 38 40 42 44 47 6 14 8 12 7"
'd ave((o3.1-o3.2)*1000,t=289, t=1008)'

"set gxout contour"
"set line 1 1 2"
"set ccols 1"
*cl = "-0.01 0.02 0.03"
cl = "0 7 10 11 13"
'set clevs 'cl
'set clopts -1 10 0.25'
'set cthick 10'
'set clab masked'

'a = ave(U.1,t=289,t=1008,1)'
'b = ave(V.1,t=289,t=1008,1)'

'c = ave(W.1,t=289, t=1008)'
"xcbar 1 10 0.3 0.5 -fw 0.175 -fh 0.175 -line on"

"set gxout vector"
'd skip(a,3,1);skip(b,3,1);skip(c,3,1)'

What am I doing wrong?

*Jonathan Wynn Smith, Ph.D.*
jonathan.smith at noaa.gov
Postdoctoral Research Associate
National Academy of Science/National Research Council Associateship
5830 University Research Ct.
College Park, MD 20740-3818

*Lord, you establish peace for us; all that we have accomplished you have
done for us. - Isaiah 26:12*

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