[gradsusr] Using Maskout Function To Compute Areal Average

Perry, Aaron @ LSC Aaron.Perry at lsc.vsc.edu
Tue Jan 7 22:41:53 EST 2014

Good Evening All,

I'm currently trying to compute an areal average and I have created a masked out control file with MeteoInfo for the area that I'd like to compute an average of.

What do I do with the MeteoInfo-created .ctl file now?

The reason why I ask is because there's already a .ctl file for the displayed data and now there's one for just the area and I don't think that I want to be using them both at the same time...

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Onward and Upward,

Aaron D. Perry
Boston, MA
Lyndon State College '15
Twitter: @AaronPerryLSC<https://twitter.com/AaronPerryLSC>
Mobile: 617-780-4312
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