[gradsusr] Export grad output into text file

PHILBERT LUHUNGA philuhunga at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 9 23:27:14 EST 2014

 Hi, I am working with large volume of data. My data files are in netcdf format. I need to display the variables and save the output in text file for specific latitude and longitude, for the entire time span of the data.my script is:set t 1 lastset lon 37set lat 45'fprintf.gs precip precip.txt''fprint.gs time time.txt'
The script above gives me text file for precip.txt, and gives error message for the time.txt. Any help please.Another problem is how I can generate txt file with single column. In the precip.txt file are many columns, so to make it one column I need to cut and paste in excel sheet, cut column B, C, D....., paste on column A, is there any trick where I can generate text file when opened in axcel, open as a single column???

Philbert Modest Luhunga
University of Pretoria 
Department of Geography,Geoinformatics and Meteorology
Private Bag X20 Hatfield 0028 South Africa
Tel +27 (0) 12 420 5164
Fax +27 (0) 12 420 6385
Mobile:+ 27826228060
Email address: philuhunga at yahoo.com
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