[gradsusr] Problems with climate reanalysis data

brizuela brizuela at at.fcen.uba.ar
Thu Feb 28 11:00:30 EST 2013

I´m trying to use the climate data like 7901-9812, I´ve downlodaed the 
grib data, idx and also the ctl,
but I´m having problems (grads2.01.oga.1 under windows)that I haven´t 
before on managing, displaying, etc with grib2 data.
The problem is "Can´t open Station/Index map 
Could be the climate data, because I haven´t any problems with data 
from http://nomad3.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/gdas/rotating/
but using the climate data is the problem.
Could be any problems in
because it has any sense.
Thanks ,

                            Dr Marcela Torres Brizuela

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