[gradsusr] setting latitude and longitude for RTOFS data

Jennifer Adams jma at cola.iges.org
Thu Apr 25 09:35:16 EDT 2013

The problem is that the way the X axis is defined, it doesn't pass the 'wrap the globe' test. I made a small change to the XDEF statement, giving the initial value a little more precision, and used 'xdfopen' instead; that fixed the problem. While I was at it, I aliased 'temperature' because that is a rather long a variable name. Here is my descriptor file:

dset http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/rtofs/rtofs_global20130425/rtofs_glo_3dz_nowcast_daily_temp
xdef lon 4320 linear 74.1599999 0.083333333333
vars 1
temperature=>t  33  t,z,y,x  sea_water_potential_temperature (degc) 


On Apr 24, 2013, at 7:58 AM, Jean Pierre Arabonis wrote:

> Hi
>     I am trying to plot RTOFS data from nomads GDS
> http://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/rtofs/rtofs_global20130423/rtofs_glo_3dz_nowcast_daily_temp
> The dimension part of the ctl data is as follows:
> xdef 4320 linear 74.16 0.08333
> ydef 2160 linear -90 0.08333
>     The data is in an xy grid starting from 74.16 degrees east and 90 south with a resolution of 0.08333 degrees. Thus to set latitude and longitude I have to calculate the xy range from this origin and cannot define the range as
>      set lon lon1 lon2
>     set lat lat1 lat2. 
>     The second problem that arises is that I cannot plot across the longitude origin, if I try to plot from say 70E to 80E it only plots from 74.16 to 80 and if I plot from 430 to 480 it will only plot data from 430 to 474.16.
>     Does anyone have an elegant solution or helpful hints to these problems.
>     Many thanks
>         Jean Pierre
> -- 
> Jean Pierre 
> arabonis at yahoo.com
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Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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