[gradsusr] any help/thoughts?

krishnamohan krishmet at gmail.com
Tue Apr 16 00:35:32 EDT 2013

Hello Dr. Muthuvel Chelliah,

I assume that you require a new variable such that, in a particular year,
you want values for that variable in a some months ( Say June to Septmber)
and have to set all other months to undefined. I think you can do this in a
tricky way. Please try the attached script. I will explain the concept here
with HadISST data. This method can only be used for monthly data since 'modify'
command does not support creating daily climatology.

'sdfopen HadISST_sst.nc'

suppose you want only data for the indian summer monsoon time ( June to
September). ie months 6 to 9

'set t 6 9'
'define sstclim = ave(sst, t+0, t=24, 12)'
'modify sstclim seasonal'

now this new variable sstclim contains only values for June to September
and all other values undefined. Now create a new variable such that the
values are a constant field '1' form June to September months and all other
months are undefined.

'define clim=sstclim/sstclim'
'modify clim seasonal'

This new variable contains value 1 from June to September and all other
values undefined. Now multiply it with the real sst data for the entire
time period.

'set t 1 100'
'define sstnew=sst*clim'

The new variable sstnew will have values only for June to September in
every year.


On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 6:30 AM, Jennifer Adams <jma at cola.iges.org> wrote:

> Take a look at the docs for the tmave() function. You may not want
> averaging over your time series, but it might be helpful in setting up a
> mask to apply to your longer time series to get rid of periods you are not
> interested in. You could create an ascii file with 0's and 1's, convert to
> netcdf with ncgen, and apply (multiply or whatever) that mask to your whole
> time series.
> --Jennifer
> On Apr 15, 2013, at 5:14 PM, Muthuvel Chelliah - NOAA Federal wrote:
> Hello Grads experts,
> Is there any recommendation for the following situation.
> After I define a variable VAR (assume daily data) for a period of
> long time, can I selectively choose a shorter sub-period within this full
> period and set VAR to undef value, and still
> use the full period of VAR values, with this newly set undefined
> value for that sub period?  I hope this is not confusing.
> The problem I run into is, when I try to redefine VAR
> for the shorter period, full period VAR gets deleted, and a new VAR
> is created only for the shorter period.
> Thanks for any help/suggestions.
> Muthu
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dr.Muthuvel Chelliah, eMail:Muthuvel.Chelliah at noaa.gov
> Rm.3008, Climate Prediction Center, Ph:(301) 683-3393
> NCEP/NWS/NOAA/U.S.Dept.of Commerce,
> 5830, University Research Court, NCWCP
> College Park, MD 20740.
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> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705
> jma at cola.iges.org
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CSIR Research Fellow
Department Of Atmospheric Sciences
Cochin University of Science and Technology
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