[gradsusr] scanning descriptor file

Davide Sacchetti davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it
Thu Jul 19 12:28:10 EDT 2012

are you working in linux or windows?
is it possible that your ctl has been moved from windows to linux?
if this could be the case try with flip -u ctlfile (or equivalent

... it seems an error of this kind

bye bye

On Thu, 2012-07-19 at 18:09 +0200, Francisco Saimone wrote:
> Dear GrADS users,
> I created a descriptor file from grib file using grib2ctl.pl software.
> but when i run it it appears the following information:
> Scanning description file:  GLDAS_VIC10_M.A198001.001.ctl
> Open Error:  missing XDEF record 
> Open Error:  missing YDEF record 
> Open Error:  missing ZDEF record 
> Open Error:  missing TDEF record 
> Open Error:  missing UNDEF record 
> Open Error:  missing DSET record 
> Open Error:  missing VARS record 
>   The data file was not opened. 
> Can someone help me how to define those records for the discriptor
> file created? it appears that this .ctl file does not have any
> information. I supose this could be done automatically...I read some
> instructions to define those elements according to grib file
> information...
> dset ^sample.grib
> index ^sample.idx
> title sample grib file
> dtype grib 
> options yrev
> undef 9.999E+20
> XDEF 360 linear 0.0 1.0
> YDEF 181 linear -90.0 1
> ZDEF 4 levels 1000 850 500 200
> TDEF 3 linear 00Z02apr2004 6hr
> VARS 2
> u  4  33,100  u wind [m/s]
> v  4  34,100  v wind [m/s]
> where I have to do this...i tried in the same environment but does not
> work...
> -- 
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--> Attenzione cambio indirizzo: davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it
Davide Sacchetti
Centro Funzionale Meteo Idrologico di Protezione Civile della Regione Liguria
ARPAL Unità Tecnica Complessa di livello Regionale
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535                    fax: +39 010 6437520
mail: davide.sacchetti at arpal.gov.it     web: www.meteoliguria.it

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