[gradsusr] Second file display not working. why?

Rupak Rajbhandari rupak.rajbhandari at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 22:56:17 EDT 2011

Thanks Roger. That was something new and useful.

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Roger Rodrigues Torres <
roger.torres at cptec.inpe.br> wrote:

> Dear Rupak,
> you're wellcome.
> Another suggestion to you is to open the files independently, even the
> timescales is not the same. Then, if you whish to analyze the difference
> between 2070-2098 and 1961-90 period (e.g. annual mean), you can proceed in
> the following way:
> 1) open the files indenpendently, and find the correspondent T range that
> correspond two wich period;
> 2) open both files in the script, and from now on, you need to especify the
> correspondent time when you call the varible. For example:
> 'open file1.ctl' (file from 1961 to 1990, with 360 time steps)
> 'open file2.ctl' (file from 2011 to 2098, with 1056 time steps)
> 'define PRES=var.1*0'
> 'define FUT=var.2*0'
> count=1
> while(count<=360)
> 'define PRES=PRES+var.1(t='count')/360'
> count=count+1
> endwhile
> count=697 (the value that you have found in the step 1)
> while(count<=1056)
> 'define FUT=FUT+var.2(t='count')/360'
> count=count+1
> endwhile
> 'define Change=FUT-PRES'
> I hope this can help you.
> Regards,
> Roger Torres
> 2011/9/20 Rupak Rajbhandari <rupak.rajbhandari at gmail.com>
>> Dear Roger,
>> Thanks. You were right. The first file was for base period run from 1961
>> to 1990 and the second file was for future run from 2011 to 2098. I was
>> trying to see the shifts in rainfall pattern, if there are any. The files
>> are one file for one month and controlled using templates. Since there were
>> some gap on the data (1991-2010), I kept the files in separate folders -
>> hence two ctl files. When I try to view the second file, instead of simply
>> assigning the T dimension value from 1 to 360 (or whatever may be), it
>> extends T dimension backward for second file from 2011 to 1961, which is
>> -500+, and the data obviously not available.  Now that I have kept all the
>> files in single folder is working (should work).
>> Once again thanks.
>> -rupak
>> Rupak Rajbhandari
>> Department of Meteorology
>> Trichandra Campus, TC/TU
>> Kathmandu
>> On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 5:16 PM, Roger Rodrigues Torres <
>> roger.torres at cptec.inpe.br> wrote:
>>> Dear Rupak,
>>> one suggestion is to check the declaration of the time in both ctl's.
>>> They need to be exactly the same to work in the way that you wish.
>>> Regards,
>>> Roger Torres
>>> 2011/9/19 Rupak Rajbhandari <rupak.rajbhandari at gmail.com>
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The following simple script is working well. But when I remove the line
>>>> 'set dfile 2', then it says data request completely outside file request.
>>>> why?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> -rupak
>>>> ****************************************
>>>> 'reinit'
>>>> 'open d:\indus\gridded\precis\rfQ0.6190\wholeindus\rfQ0.6190.WI.ctl'
>>>> 'open d:\indus\gridded\precis\rfQ0.1198\wholeindus\rfQ0.1198.WI.ctl'
>>>> 'exec d:\indus\gs\colors'
>>>> 'set gxout grfill'
>>>> 'display ave(rf.1,t=1,t=360,12)'
>>>> n=1
>>>> while (n<50000) ; n=n+1 ; endwhile
>>>> 'set dfile 2'
>>>> 'display ave(rf.2,t=1,t=360,12)'
>>>> 'cbar'
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>>> --
>>> Roger Rodrigues Torres
>>> PhD. Student in Meteorology
>>> National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
>>> Phone: 55 12 3186-9541
>>> Personal Webpage: http://rtorres.webnode.com.br
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> --
> Roger Rodrigues Torres
> PhD. Student in Meteorology
> National Institute for Space Research (INPE)
> Phone: 55 12 3186-9541
> Personal Webpage: http://rtorres.webnode.com.br
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