[gradsusr] Lat Long question

Metris Limited Forecaster metris at clear.net.nz
Mon Oct 11 15:42:55 EDT 2010

I have a Meteogram script which allows for a specified Latitude/ Longitude
... to be used

  My question is with grads does it get the nearest grid data for that point
or does it interpolate

the grid data for the specified point or does use the  nearest grid point?


If it uses the nearest grid point ... what would we do the script to get an
interpolated result?


The scripts pulls down the data is using DODS.


Your help would be appreciated


Howard Staines


Forecaster Metris Limited

websited -  <http://www.metris.co.nz> www.metris.co.nz  - phone 06 8441042 -
fax 06 8441046


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