[gradsusr] making a data file from ctl/dat in GrADS

Naveen Krishna nkchandra70478 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 02:22:54 EDT 2010

Dear user,
                I am using grads for post processing WRF( ARW) output.
                I would like to know how to use grads and get the various
parameters (temp, rainfall,dew point temp, wind speed, etc)
                at particular lat-lon position e.g Delhi (23deg N, 77deg E)
in a tabular form as a dat file.

               The required output could be in the following format:

                *Forecast Hour*       *Temp*      *Dew point Temp*    *Wind
speed*     *Wind direction*

                 00 utc                    xx
xx                         xx                  xx
                 06 utc                    yy              yy
          yy                  yy

                 and so on.....

                Kindly help. Thanks in advance

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