Dear user, <br> I am using grads for post processing WRF( ARW) output. <br> I would like to know how to use grads and get the various parameters (temp, rainfall,dew point temp, wind speed, etc) <br>
at particular lat-lon position e.g Delhi (23deg N, 77deg E) in a tabular form as a dat file. <br> <br> The required output could be in the following format: <br> <br> <u>Forecast Hour</u> <u>Temp</u> <u>Dew point Temp</u> <u>Wind speed</u> <u>Wind direction</u> <br>
<br> 00 utc xx xx xx xx <br> 06 utc yy yy yy yy <br>
<br> and so on..... <br> <br> Kindly help. Thanks in advance <br> <br> Chandra<br><input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden"><div id="refHTML">