difference between variables on different grid

Ousmane Ndiaye ousmane at IRI.COLUMBIA.EDU
Wed Sep 30 10:58:43 EDT 2009

I have two files on different grids starting at different times, I want to calculate the difference of their monthly climatology over a common period.
I used the function re to regrid the two variables first then calculate their climatology but I cannot compute the difference of the climatology (ie bias).
Any help ?

'sdfopen air.mon.mean.nc'
'set lon 0 360'
'set lat -90 90'
'set t 265 516'
'set t 265 276'
'define clim1=tloop(ave(air2,t+0,t=516))'
*'modify clim1 seasonal'
'set t 1'
'sdfopen tas_A1.nc'
'set dfile 2'
'set lon 0 360'
'set lat -90 90'
'set t 1321 1572'
'set t 1321 1332'
'define clim2=tloop(ave(tas2,t+0,t=1572))'

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