New release: Bundle v2.0.a5.oga.5

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Mon May 11 09:27:51 EDT 2009

  We have updated the OpenGrADS Bundles at, now at v2.0.a5.oga.5:

  This is primarily a bug fix release; now PyGrADS v1.1.2 (see separate
posting) is 100% functional with GrADS v2.  The bug fixes include:

  - bugs in ipc/ipc_load() that prevented pygrads from importing data into
  - "printim -b" should work
  - Mike Fiorino's extensions have been revised and updated; mfhilo should
  - fixed a couple of bugs associated with 256 colors; you should be able to
use printim/gxeps with images that use more than 100 colors.

 See the ChangeLog for additional details.  Binaries for Linux, Mac OS X and
FreeBSD 6.3 have been posted. Windows and other platforms to appear soon.

  Please let us know of any problems.



PS: I see in our logs that some people have downloaded v2.0.a5.oga.5
binaries before this announcement went out.  Just last night we fix one last
issue related to ipc/pygrads and refreshed the binaries. You will need to
get the very latest build for pygrads to work.

Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at
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