Output data from grib for given coordinates

Li M.X. limxing at GMAIL.COM
Thu Dec 10 19:16:00 EST 2009

Hi group:
I have downloaded the GSWP2 meteorological forcings from
http://dods.ipsl.jussieu.fr/cgi-bin/nph-dods//gswp/. the variable  is
resampled by landmask to compress the volume.
So now I cannot find the lat and lon project of the variable, such as,

%% ncdump('E:\Tair_era198807.nc')   %% Generated 10-Dec-2009 11:42:08
nc{'land'} = nclong('land'); %% 15238 elements.
nc{'land'}.compress = ncchar(''y x'');

nc{'Tair'} = ncfloat('tstep', 'land'); %% 3779024 elements.
nc{'Tair'}.axis = ncchar(''TYX'');
nc{'Tair'}.units = ncchar(''K'');
nc{'Tair'}.long_name = ncchar(''Near surface air temperature at 2m'');
nc{'Tair'}.associate = ncchar(''time (nav_lat nav_lon)'');
nc{'Tair'}.missing_value = ncfloat(1.00000002004088e+020);
the variable 'land' span from 2301 to 52312, and is not the index of lat and
lon. So my question is what the 'land' values mean? How can I project the
Tair to lat and lon grids?
please give me help with your extensive knowledge, at least provide some
references. I thank you very  much!

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