netcdf, xdfopen and PDEF

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Wed Aug 12 08:18:13 EDT 2009

Try opening your file using xdfopen -- set the axes to be linear,
without a pdef. Something like:
xdef <name> <size> linear 1 1
ydef <name> <size> linear 1 1

Then when you've got the file open, do a 'q ctlinfo' and copy all the
information about the file and paste that into a text file. Now you've
got just about everything you need for a descriptor; just add your
pdef and the new XDEF and YDEF you're going to interpolate to.

On Aug 12, 2009, at 5:18 AM, Dot Deb wrote:

> I have a (CF-1.4 compliant) NetCDF dataset in "rotated pole"
> coordinate system.
> I'd like to use the PDEF option ROTLL.
> I tried to do it writing a minimal "descriptor file" for "xdfopen":
> DSET ^
> PDEF 25 24 ROTLL 48.0 -167.2 0.4 0.4 -4.8 -5.0
> The problem is that xdfopen does not use (and does not recognise) the
> PDEF entry.
> I couldn't find any other way than writing a complede "descriptor
> file".
> This is a bit annoying because the only thing I have to change for the
> representation of my dataset is only the coordinate system:
> I do not want to rewrite all the information already included in my
> NetCDF!
> Is there anything that escapes me?
> If not, is there any plan to modify this behavior in short time?
> Alberto

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at

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