gribmap on Windows XP

Patrick Reuter preuter at LABRI.FR
Fri Mar 14 04:12:46 EDT 2008


may be installing Cygwin could do the trick - it's a very nice linux
environment in the Windows filesystem. In cygwin, you can easily run
linux/unix scripts.

Hope that helps

Michael Splitt <msplitt at FIT.EDU> a écrit :

> I normally run GRADS in a Linux environment, but am working with
> colleagues that are running Windows. I downloaded the win32e
> distribution and am able to get GRADS to start and it gives me
> the normal GUI.
> My problem is that I can't seem to get gribmap to run on XP.
> hen I issue the command I don't get any output (including when
> running in verbose mode) and the .idx file is not created. I have
> tried several of the "backward compatability" options  for the
> gribmap executable but still no luck. Any suggestions?
> Mike
> --
> Michael E. Splitt
> + Adjunct Faculty: Florida Institute of Technology
> + Research Associate: Florida Institute of Technology
> Phone: 321-674-8970 Cell: 321-427-5424
> Email: msplitt at
> Mail:  Department of Marine & Environmental Systems
>       Florida Institute of Technology
>       150 W. University Blvd.
>       Melbourne, FL  32901

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