Opengrads win32 superpack ZIP vs. EXE

Eric Altshuler ela at COLA.IGES.ORG
Wed Mar 5 17:12:48 EST 2008

Hi Arlindo,

I have been using an earlier version of your win32 "superpack" when it was only available as a ZIP package. Now you have both ZIP and EXE packages available. Are these exactly the same package (aside from how they are installed)? I'm wondering why the EXE is only about half as big as the ZIP. Other than being a smaller download, does the EXE version have other advantages?

Best regards,

Eric L. Altshuler
Assistant Research Scientist
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705-3106

E-mail: ela at
Phone: (301) 902-1257
Fax: (301) 595-9793

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