skipping time - another question

Sytske Kimball skimball at USOUTHAL.EDU
Thu Jul 3 14:47:15 EDT 2008

Now I have a question: what if you want to plot the entire timeseries, but with a
different increment displayed on the x (time) axis then the one grads picks? I normally
use 'set xlint', but that didn't work for real dates (like in the exmaple below). A look in
the grads documentation confirmed that 'set xlint' does not work for a date/time axis.
Does anyone know what to do instead?

Thanks in advance,

Sytske Kimball
Associate Professor of Meteorology
Dept. of Earth Sciences
University of South Alabama
Mobile, AL
phone (251) 460-7031
fax        (251) 460-7886
email   skimball at
>>> Stephen R McMillan <smcmillan at PLANALYTICS.COM> 07/03/08 12:08 PM >>>
You could also try using the "skip" command. Perhaps something like this
will also work for you:

set time 00z01jun2007 00z01jul2007
set missconn on   (if connecting lines desired, as Mike suggested)
d skip(air,4)

Above should display data only at 00z timesteps (assuming 4x daily as in
your sample).

Stephen McMillan

Mike Bosilovich <mike.bosilovich at GMAIL.COM>
07/03/2008 11:24 AM
Please respond to


Re: skipping time

I came up with a way to do this. It is not elegant, but works, and I would
be happy to see another option. The idea is to maskout all other times
except the one you want to plot. However, grads won't let you take a
single time variable, and expand that into a time series so that it can
mask the other times. So, here goes, for 00Z:

set time 18Z1Jul2004 00Z2Jul2004
define m1=1
set time 00Z2Jul2004 06Z2Jul2004
define m2=1
set time 00Z2Jul2004 18Z2jul2004
define m3=m2*m1                         *m3=1 at 00Z2Jul, undef all others
modify m3 diurnal                          * now m3=1 for all 00Z

set time 00Z1Jul2004 18Z31jul2004
display var*m3

The display should have a time series of 00Z points. If you want those
points connected then prior to display, set missconn on.

Hope it helps,


On Thu, Jul 3, 2008 at 3:28 AM, Maat, Herbert ter <Herbert.termaat at>
Dear GrADS-users,

I have a very simple question which is probably easy to answer as well.

I have temperature data in a timeseries of, let's say, 120 timesteps (30
days times 4 points per day; 00z 06z 12z and 18z). Using GrADS I want to
display a selection of this data, namely only temperature at 00Z and
skipping the other timesteps, thus display times 1, 4, 9, and so on. Is
there a simple statement to do this in GrADS or do I need to end up
writing a script for this?

Kind regards,
Herbert ter Maat

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