topography plot from WRF output

Michael J Murphy mjm at HAWAII.EDU
Thu Aug 28 02:18:14 EDT 2008

Grads users,

I am trying to plot topography in a cross section with pressure as the vertical coordinate.  I have read a lot about this in the user archives and even found a script ( that was written to do it. 
This script uses the variable psfc (press. at the surface).  Unfortunately the variables that could be used in the script that are available from my WRF-ARW model output (terrain height, psfc, slp) are only on the lowest level.  Because of this when try:

set lat 21.5
set lev 1000 700
d psfc

The result is nothing being visibly plotted (because psfc is only on the lowest level).  Now if I set the vertical axis to a single pressure value like so:

set lat 21.5
set lev 1000
d psfc

The result is an x-y graph of the surface pressure with longitude on the x-axis and pressure on the y-axis.  The result is the similar when I try to plot terrain height and slp as well.  

Because psfc is only on the lowest level I cannot do the  var = lev-psfc/100  command.  What I really need is terrain height as a function of pressure!!
Maybe someone has run into this problem with WRF output data and has figure this out?  Maybe I would be better off using a different program such as RIP?  Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


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