g2gdf.pl in GrADS1.9

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Thu Apr 10 07:49:56 EDT 2008

On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 12:25 AM, Mark Sponsler <msponsler at comcast.net>

> Hi Arlindo,
> Sorry - I was not clear.
> I'm using your latest build of GrADS19 with the new cygintl-3.dll
> installed
> I built a windows batch file that contains the following 2 statements:
> set PATH=c:/Program Files/PCGrADS19/win32/

You should never reset the PATH entirely but rather append to it:

set PATH=c:/Program Files/PCGGrADS19/win32;%PATH%

then type path to make sure the windows system dirs are still there. This
way all your other system programs can be found.

> g2gdf.pl -o C:/grib/input_new/wc4m.gdf -I C:/grib/input_new/wc4m.inv
> C:/grib/input_new/multi_1.wc_4m.t00z.grib2

I am still puzzled that you can run g2ctl.pl from the DOS command line.  Is
the g2gdf.exe not working for you? When I type "g2gdf.pl" on my cmd.exe it
pops the perl script right into notepad. If you are not using the .exe
version of the perl scripts, which perl distribution of perl are you using?
This is important info for my FAQ. Probably I don't have my .pl extension
being handled by ActivateState perl.

>  I did not have the ability to set the environmnet variable via Control
> Panel>System>Advanced>Envionment Variables>etc... because I did not had
> admin rights on the machine.
> Then I double click the bat file. And receive the error message indicated
> in the previous email.
> I've been using this trick of setting the path to Grads19 in the batch
> file (like above) on all sorts of scripts where GrADS19 is installed on
> either a flash drive or just placed somewhere on the hard drive and where I
> have no admin rights and no ability to set path via Control Panel, and
> everything has been going quite smoothly.  A totally portable application,
> even if I have no admin rights to the machine.  So I figured running
> g2gdf.pl would be no different.
> Intersting, but on a different machine which I do have admin rights, I set
> the path in Control Panel to PCGrads19/win32/ as normal
> then run the following command in a batch file (same as first time but
> with the set PATH command commented out) and everything works fine!
>  REM set PATH=c:/Program Files/PCGrADS19/win32/
> g2gdf.pl -o C:/grib/input_new/wc4m.gdf -I C:/grib/input_new/wc4m.inv
> C:/grib/input_new/multi_1.wc_4m.t00z.grib2
> So this leads me to beleive that there is something in the perl or gdf
> script that is not virtualized to read the Path command in the batch file.
> Likewise if I try and run g2ctl,pl with the path set in Control Panel
> everything works fine.  But if I try to set the Path in the bat file (and do
> not have it set in Control Panel) it errors out:
> set PATH=c:/Program Files/PCGrADS19/win32/
> g2ctl.pl C:/grib/input_new/multi_1.wc_4m.t00z.grib2
> Can't spawn "cmd.exe": No such file or directory at C:\Program

You see, perl cannot find the windows system files, like cmd.exe the command
interpreter it uses for issuing a system() call.

> Files\PCGrADS19\win32\g2ctl.pl line 238.
> Big problem:
>   either C:/grib/input_new/multi_1.wc_4m.t00z.grib2 is missing or not a
> grib file
>   or wgrib2 is not on your path or wgrib2 is too old.
> Hope this is useful.  Just hoping all the functionality can be totally
> portable, but maybe I'm being unrealistic.

It should be just as portable as the rest, I can't think of a reason why


Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu
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