g2ctl problem with NCEP GFS data

Ivan Toman ivtoman at INET.HR
Sat Apr 5 09:29:28 EDT 2008

Hello all!

After deeper investigation, I /think/ I localized my problem. If I use
g2ctl v0.0.3c and v0.0.3d I got totally different .ctl files. But I
suspect that none of them is correct, because there is no many variables
inside that I used to have before when I converted grib2 to grib1 using
cnvgrib and grib2ctl. Absence of these variables in .ctl make me
thinking that g2ctl or wgrib2 are not functioning OK here.

I attached both ctl files that I made using command "g2ctl -verf
grib2file > ctlfile" first with 0.0.3c then with 0.0.3d version.

0.0.3c gives very strange variables... example:

HGT1mb  0,100,100   0,3,5 ** 1 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]
HGT2mb  0,100,200   0,3,5 ** 2 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]
HGT3mb  0,100,300   0,3,5 ** 3 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]
HGT5mb  0,100,500   0,3,5 ** 5 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]
HGT7mb  0,100,700   0,3,5 ** 7 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]
HGT125mb  0,100,12500   0,3,5 ** 125 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]
HGT175mb  0,100,17500   0,3,5 ** 175 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]
HGT225mb  0,100,22500   0,3,5 ** 225 mb none Geopotential Height [gpm]

0.0.3d gives no that strange levels so it seems it does correct .ctl
but.. example

SPFH180_150mb 0,108,18000,15000   0,1,0 ** 180-150 mb above ground none
Specific Humidity [kg/kg]
TMPprs   37,100  0,0,0 ** (875 825 775 725 675 625 575 525 475 425 375
325 275 225 175 125 7 5 3 2 1) none Temperature [K]
TMP_305m  0,102,305   0,0,0 ** 305 m above mean sea level none
Temperature [K]
TMP_457m  0,102,457   0,0,0 ** 457 m above mean sea level none
Temperature [K]
TMP_610m  0,102,610   0,0,0 ** 610 m above mean sea level none
Temperature [K]
TMP_914m  0,102,914   0,0,0 ** 914 m above mean sea level none
Temperature [K]
TMP_4572m  0,102,4572   0,0,0 ** 4572 m above mean sea level none
Temperature [K]
TMP60_30mb 0,108,6000,3000   0,0,0 ** 60-30 mb above ground none
Temperature [K]
TMP90_60mb 0,108,9000,6000   0,0,0 ** 90-60 mb above ground none
Temperature [K]
TMP120_90mb 0,108,12000,9000   0,0,0 ** 120-90 mb above ground none
Temperature [K]
TMP150_120mb 0,108,15000,12000   0,0,0 ** 150-120 mb above ground none
Temperature [K]
TMP180_150mb 0,108,18000,15000   0,0,0 ** 180-150 mb above ground none
Temperature [K]
TMP0pv  0,109,5e-07   0,0,0 ** PV=5e-07 (Km^2/kg/s) surface none
Temperature [K]
TMPneg0pv  0,109,-5e-07   0,0,0 ** PV=-5e-07 (Km^2/kg/s) surface none
Temperature [K]
TMP1pv  0,109,1e-06   0,0,0 ** PV=1e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface none
Temperature [K]
TMPneg1pv  0,109,-1e-06   0,0,0 ** PV=-1e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface none
Temperature [K]
TMP2pv  0,109,1.5e-06   0,0,0 ** PV=1.5e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface none
Temperature [K]
TMPneg2pv  0,109,-1.5e-06   0,0,0 ** PV=-1.5e-06 (Km^2/kg/s) surface
none Temperature [K]
UGRDprs   37,100  0,2,2 ** (875 825 775 725 675 625 575 525 475 425 375
325 275 225 175 125 7 5 3 2 1) none U-Component of Wind [m/s]

where are for example TMP2m, TMPsfc, total clouds and all stuff
beginning with letter "T" that IS in grib, because if I cnvgrib it at
grib1, then grib2ctl it, i got again totally different ctl, like this:

SPFH30_0mb  0 51,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Specific humidity [kg/kg]
TCDCclm  0 71,200,0 ** atmos column Total cloud cover [%]
TCDCbcl  0 71,211,0 ** boundary cld layer Total cloud cover [%]
TCDClcl  0 71,214,0 ** low cloud level Total cloud cover [%]
TCDCmcl  0 71,224,0 ** mid-cloud level Total cloud cover [%]
TCDChcl  0 71,234,0 ** high cloud level Total cloud cover [%]
TCDCcvl  0 71,244,0 ** convective cld layer Total cloud cover [%]
TMAX2m  0 15,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Max. temp. [K]
TMIN2m  0 16,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Min. temp. [K]
TMPsfc  0 11,1,0  ** surface Temp. [K]
TMPprs 26 11,100,0 ** (profile) Temp. [K]
TMP3658m  0 11,103,3658 ** 3658 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP2743m  0 11,103,2743 ** 2743 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP1829m  0 11,103,1829 ** 1829 m above msl Temp. [K]
TMP2m  0 11,105,2 ** 2 m above ground Temp. [K]
TMPsig995   0 11,107,9950 ** sigma=.995  Temp. [K]
TMP0_10cm  0 11,112,10 ** 0-10 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP10_40cm  0 11,112,2600 ** 10-40 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP40_100cm  0 11,112,10340 ** 40-100 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP100_200cm  0 11,112,25800 ** 100-200 cm underground Temp. [K]
TMP30_0mb  0 11,116,7680 ** 30-0 mb above gnd Temp. [K]
TMPpv2  0 11,117,2000 ** pot vorticity = 2000 units level Temp. [K]
TMPpvneg2  0 11,117,34768 ** pot vorticity = -2000 units level Temp. [K]
TMPlct  0 11,213,0 ** low cloud top Temp. [K]
TMPmct  0 11,223,0 ** mid-cloud top Temp. [K]
TMPhct  0 11,233,0 ** high cloud top Temp. [K]
TMPmwl  0 11,6,0 ** max wind level Temp. [K]
TMPtrp  0 11,7,0 ** tropopause Temp. [K]
TOZNEclm  0 10,200,0 ** atmos column Total ozone [Dobson]
UGWDsfc  0 147,1,0  ** surface Zonal gravity wave stress [N/m^2]

This .ctl works of course for me.....

OK, the problem is that if I use grib2 NCEP data as input in GrADS2, I
get what I described in my first post about this problem.... like:

[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ ls
[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ g2ctl -verf gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06 >
[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ gribmap -i gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06.ctl
grib2map: scanning GRIB2 file: gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06
grib2map: Writing out the index file
[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ grads -b

Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.a1.oga.1
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 by Brian Doty and the
Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
See file COPYRIGHT for more information

Config: v2.0.a1.oga.1 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf
hdf4-sds athena
Issue 'q config' command for more information.
Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):  n
GX Package Initialization: Size = 8.5 11
Running in Batch mode
ga-> open gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06.ctl
Scanning description file:  gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06.ctl
Data file gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06 is open as file 1
LON set to 0 360
LAT set to -90 90
LEV set to 1000 1000
Time values set: 2008:4:5:6 2008:4:5:6
E set to 1 1
ga-> d hgtprs(lev=500)/10
Cannot contour grid - all undefined values
ga-> set t 2
Time values set: 2008:5:5:6 2008:5:5:6
ga-> d hgtprs(lev=500)/10
Data Request Warning:  Request beyond file limits
 Entire grid contents are set to missing data
 Dimension ranges are:  X = 1 720  Y = 1 361  Z = 21 37  T = 2 1  E = 1 1
 Warning issued for variable = hgtprs
Cannot contour grid - all undefined values

I use wgrib2 for FreeBSD from Arlindo Da Silva site:


It seems that is last version....

I'm lost here :-(

Thanks for any suggestion.
Ivan Toman
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