Grads 2.0 with grib2 files

Ivan Toman ivtoman at INET.HR
Sat Apr 5 06:08:54 EDT 2008


I have same problem, but.... Wesley's advice does not help. Below is
pasted my error and steps that I did. GrADS runs at freebsd using 2.0
binaries and wgrib2 from Arnaldo.

Can anybody help please?

Ivan Toman

Wesley Ebisuzaki wrote:
> If you examine the ctl file closely, you'll see that there are two time
> steps.
> If you do "set t 2", then all the fields will appear.

Here is my testing workflow and errors:

[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ ls
[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ g2ctl -verf gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06 >
[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ gribmap -i gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06.ctl
grib2map: scanning GRIB2 file: gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06
grib2map: Writing out the index file
[coldplug at maraska-server ~/test]$ grads -b

Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Version 2.0.a1.oga.1
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 by Brian Doty and the
Institute for Global Environment and Society (IGES)
See file COPYRIGHT for more information

Config: v2.0.a1.oga.1 little-endian readline printim grib2 netcdf
hdf4-sds athena
Issue 'q config' command for more information.
Landscape mode? ('n' for portrait):  n
GX Package Initialization: Size = 8.5 11
Running in Batch mode
ga-> open gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06.ctl
Scanning description file:  gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06.ctl
Data file gfs.t00z.pgrb2bf06 is open as file 1
LON set to 0 360
LAT set to -90 90
LEV set to 1000 1000
Time values set: 2008:4:5:6 2008:4:5:6
E set to 1 1
ga-> d hgtprs(lev=500)/10
Cannot contour grid - all undefined values
ga-> set t 2
Time values set: 2008:5:5:6 2008:5:5:6
ga-> d hgtprs(lev=500)/10
Data Request Warning:  Request beyond file limits
  Entire grid contents are set to missing data
  Dimension ranges are:  X = 1 720  Y = 1 361  Z = 21 37  T = 2 1  E = 1 1
  Warning issued for variable = hgtprs
Cannot contour grid - all undefined values

> Oliver König wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I installed Grads 2.0 binaries on Debian/GNU Linux testing (64 bit)
>> because I
>> want to work with grib2  data from NCEP.
>> Installation of grads 2.0 binaries
>> ----------------------------------
>> $ wget
>> $ tar xvfz grads-bin-2.0.a0-RHEL5-x86_64.tar.gz
>> $ cp grads-2.0.a0/bin/* /usr/bin
>> Installation of grads data files
>> --------------------------------
>> $ cd /usr/local/lib/
>> $ mkdir grads
>> $ cd grads
>> $ wget
>> $ tar xvfz data.tar.Z
>> Test grib2 data in grads
>> ---------------------------
>> $ wget ftp://ncep.domain.tld/gfs_grib2.file
>> $ -verf gfs_grib2.file > gfs_grib2.ctl
>> $ gribmap -i gfs_grib2.ctl
>> $ grads
>> ga-> open gfs2_grib2.ctl
>> ga-> q file
>> ga-> d tmpsfc
>> Cannot contour grid - all undefined values
>> The grib2.file is from an operational NOAA/NCEP server so I guess the
>> file and
>> the format are okay. I managed to display grib1 data in Grads 2.0. does
>> anyone have an idea what the problem is? Help is welcome. thanks!
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Oliver König

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