example of hdf coards file?

Arlindo da Silva dasilva at ALUM.MIT.EDU
Tue Nov 6 08:10:06 EST 2007

On 10/28/07, Patrice Dumas <pertusus at free.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> When testing grads, I'd like to use an hdf file that can be opened by
> sdfopen. I browsed a bit on the web, but didn't found anything obvious.
> Is there an example somewhere?

You can make your own. Start with any GrADS readable file, say the
classic model.ctl from the GrADS tutorial and use the lats4d command

lats4d -hdf -i model -o model     ---- (it will create model.nc,
rename it model.hdf)
lats4d -nc -i model -o model      ---- (keep it model.nc)

Or, let's say you have a file "slp_djf.nc" and want a GRIB version of it:

lats4d -i slp_djf.nc -o slp_djf -format grads_brib

You can also use "-format stream" and "-format sequential" for
creating binary files, with the "-le"/"-be" switches specifying a
particular endianess. While the "-format grads_grib" will create a ctl
file for you, the options -format stream/sequential do not (yet)
create a ctl file, for no good reason other than I didn't get around
to add it (any contribution from the community greatly welcome).  The
work around is to specify "-format grads_grib", and edit the ctl file
from there,

In any event, you can find some sample files here:


In retrospect, it would be nice to have each file in all possible
formats for testing purposes.



Arlindo da Silva
dasilva at alum.mit.edu

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