PDEF FILE option

Ricardo Marcelo ricardom at ACD.UFRJ.BR
Mon Nov 5 19:03:46 EST 2007

Hi Donata,

UNDEF is not an option? I have successfully used this option to mask land
points in POM.
Writting a mask file with FSM stored is an option too.



On Nov 5, 2007 12:38 PM, Donata Giglio <donylilium22 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> Has anyone ever used PDEF FILE option to plot 3d
> variables where only sea-points were stored?
> Sigma coordinate is used in the model (POM), so, if it
> works, I could plot sigma levels then.
> Any suggestion is really welcome!
> Bye, donata
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Ricardo Marcelo da Silva
LAMMA - Laboratório de Modelagem de Processos Marinhos e Atmosféricos
Depto de Meteorologia - Instituto de Geociências
Centro de Ciências Matemáticas e da Natureza
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
e-mail: ricardom at acd.ufrj.br
phone: 55 21 2598-9470 r 24
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