re-arrange time in line plot

Rauscher Sara A srausche at ICTP.IT
Tue Jul 31 06:13:57 EDT 2007

I have a netcdf file of climatological averages that go from December to
November instead of January to December. I want to display a time series
of area averaged data in a line plot, but I want the data to go from
January to December. Is there any way of rearranging the data in grads
so that I can do this? I am hoping I don't have to redo the netcdf files.
thanks for any help,


Dr. Sara A. Rauscher
Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11
34014 Trieste ITALY
ph: +39 040 2240 225 fax: +39 040 2240 449
email: srausche at

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