How Compile bufrscan sourse code in GrADS 1.9b4

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Tue Jul 24 14:06:06 EDT 2007

There is no bufr interface in 1.8sl11. In 1.9b4, try running the
configure script and then 'make utils' -- that should give you
bufrscan. You should be able to build gradsc, which will have the
bufr interface even if you have no supplibs installed. Once you read
a bufr file with GrADS, the only way to get ascii values is to 'set
gxout print' and parse the result with a script.

On Jul 24, 2007, at 5:10 AM, Giannakos Apostolos wrote:

> Hi everyone
> The version of Grads i have is GrADS 1.8s11 Intel / LINUX(slackware
> 10.2)
> and i want to use the executable bufrscan which exist only in
> version GrADS
> 1.9b4 Does anyone know the steps to complile the bufrscan code and
> use it
> like the rest executables that Grads have?
>  Thanks in Advance

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at

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