regrid installation problem

John Guhin johnguhin at GMAIL.COM
Tue Jul 24 13:43:04 EDT 2007

 Thanks Eric. It worked.
After moving the executable to the desired location, I had to  change the
.cshrc and other files with the correct location of the executable.

thanks again.

On 7/23/07, Eric L. Altshuler <ela at> wrote:
> John,
> You probably have a time synchronization problem with your machine or the
> machine on which your disk is mounted. If you are compiling on machine A,
> and the disk you are using is mounted on machine B (and is accessible on
> machine A via NFS) then 'make' will have problems if the system time on
> machines A and B are different.
> One way to get around this problem is to do the compile using a disk
> that is locally mounted on the machine you are logged into. Sometimes
> /tmp can be used this way, if there is enough space. Then move the
> executable(s) where you want them.
> Best regards,
> Eric L. Altshuler
> Assistant Research Scientist
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies
> Calverton, MD, USA
> ela at

John Guhin
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