GrADS on the Web

Jennifer M. Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Thu Jan 25 08:18:00 EST 2007

Hi, Everybody --
These web sites are absolutely fantastic! I am so impressed and proud
and amazed at the number of responses I've gotten. The gradsusr list
is quite a powerful resource. As a reward for your efforts, some free
advertising -- I posted a list of the sites I've gotten so far that
is linked from the 'What's New" page:
Sorry I haven't had a chance to check and sort every link -- there
were so many! -- if you notice something amiss, please let me know.
Oh, and it's not too late to keep 'em coming, I'll update the list if
I get any more URLs. In this case, more IS better!
Thanks a million,

On Jan 24, 2007, at 11:10 AM, Jennifer M. Adams wrote:

> Dear All,
> We are gathering some statistics that illustrate the widespread use
> of GrADS. For example:
> GrADS users subscribed to this list:  1402
> FTP downloads of GrADS tar files in 2006: 14,963
> Hits to the online documentation in 2006: 1.3 million
> To supplement the stats, I am also collecting a list of web sites
> that use GrADS to generate images ... if you are administering or
> regularly browsing such a web site, could you please email me the URL?
> Thanks,
> Jennifer
> --
> Jennifer M. Adams
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Beltsville, MD 20705
> jma at

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